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    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)2
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)3
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)4
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)5
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)6
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)7
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)8
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)2
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)3
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)4
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)5
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)6
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)7
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)8
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)2
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)3
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)4
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)5
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)6
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)7
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)8
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)2
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)3
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)4
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)5
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)6
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)7
    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)8

    Умная розетка, Smart Power Plug is a device to control remotely via Wi-Fi connected through it load, measure its power and monitor electrical energy consumption. White color, multi language version.. (GD1PEHPL10)

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    Интеллектуальная розетка




    интеллектуальная розетка

    Место крепления

    для установки внутри помещения


    устройство на iOS/Android

    Системные требования

    Android (версия 5.1 и выше), iOS (версия 12 и выше)

    Прочие особенности

    Интеллектуальная розетка Power Link Wi-Fi (PEHPL10)

    Такая мощная
    и такая маленькая!
    Интеллектуальная розетка Perenio Power Link Wi-Fi
    Управление электроприборами со смартфона
    Быстрая настройка через Wi-Fi
    Мониторинг энергопотребления
    Удаленное включение и отключение техники
    Совместимость с голосовыми помощниками

    Сделайте любые электроприборы умными

    Пользователям доступны функции для дистанционного управления: включение / выключение, таймер обратного отсчета, настройка расписаний, отслеживание энергопотребления.

    Подключение без дополнительного оборудования

    Умная розетка Power Link Wi-Fi работает без центра управления или IoT-маршрутизатора. Пользователю нужно подключить Power Link Wi-Fi к электросети и активировать в приложении.

    Дистанционное и голосовое управление

    Пользователи могут управлять бытовой техникой через Power Link Wi-Fi удаленно как с помощью мобильного приложения Perenio Smart, так и через виртуальных помощников: Алиса от Яндекс, Маруся от Mail.ru, Google Ассистент, Amazon Alexa.

    Подключайте мощные устройства

    Суммарная мощность подключаемых устройств для Power Link Wi-Fi составляет 5 кВт - это максимальный показатель среди всех возможных умных розеток на рынке. В розетке установлено реле, которое выдерживает силу тока в 20А на протяжении 30 секунд*.


    Power Link Wi-Fi имеет покрытие soft-touch. В целях безопасности и защиты детей розетки оснащены специальными защитными шторками. Устройство имеет класс защиты IP 20.

    Технология связи - Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11 b/g/n20/n40)
    Автономная работа
    Рабочая частота - 2,4 ГГц
    Совместимость - Android (версия 5.1 и выше), iOS (версия 12 и выше)
    Радиус подключения - до 100 метров (открытый участок)
    Степень защиты - IP20
    Потребляемая мощность: 1 Вт (макс.)
    Пиковая мощность: 5000 Вт
    Напряжение на входе: 240 В (переменного тока)
    Макс. ток: 20 А
    Частота: 50/60 Гц


    76x54x54 мм

    Сайт производителя


    Внимание! Производитель может изменить без предупреждения следующие параметры: внешний вид, описание, технические характеристики, цветовые оттенки. Поэтому характеристики товара могут отличаться от параметров, указанных на сайте. Сайт не является публичной офертой.


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